Remaining Yoseka Notebooks

Remaining Yoseka Notebooks
When we receive Yoseka Notebooks, a great percentage of them are typically damaged. We are always heartbroken to have to count the ones that are in good shape so we can put them online. This time about half of them are damaged, and we were able to put 40 of them online last night.

Back in 2018, when we first made this notebook with Conifer, we spent months to finalize the details, and we didn’t really expect much. We also didn’t see that Conifer would decide to stop producing the paper in Yoseka Notebook. (More details in Q&A we did with them last year). The remaining Yoseka Notebooks have been stored in Taiwan since then, and each month, a box is packaged and shipped by Neil’s sister. There are only two more remaining boxes getting shipped to us by sea right now. It takes a few months to arrive, and even when they are securely packaged, the packages often arrive damaged. It’s something we are still learning after all these years, but overall, we are very proud of our very first product.

The notebooks were sold out in two hours last night, thank you all so much! In the meantime, if you are curious about the paper, leave us a request in your order comment and we will tear a few sheets from the damaged ones for you to try out! 😊


Hi TW, Aaron, Amy!

Please send us email at [email protected] We will be able to pick out the ones in pretty good conditions. Or leave us a note at the end of checkout in you are interested in some free samples! We can include some for you.

Thank you!


I was wondering if you still have any damaged notebooks available? Thank you.


Hello! I have the same question as Amy. Would it be possible to buy the damaged notebooks for a reduced price? The paper sounds amazing!


Sell the damaged ones — I feel fortunate to have purchased on previously :). I’d buy a damaged one with other stationery supplies at the same time. Sell the damaged ones!

lisa uhrhammer

Hello!! Seeing the news about the damaged notebooks, I was wondering if it was possible to buy a damaged notebook? Thank you :)


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