Our Hobonichi shipment is finally here! It arrived this morning and our team began to receive the order, count quantities and verify the contents! We’re happy to announce that orders are now being worked on as quickly as possible. Thank you all so much for your patience through our whole delayed shipment situation. You all are truly the best 💕
Our Hobonichi Shipment Has Arrived!

Thank you so much for all you do and keeping us informed! I am so excited for my hobonichi and I’m thankful to Yoseka for providing it!
Thank you. I saw your announcement on your video for YouTube. I thought it would be immediately after that I would received the order but it makes sense that as a business there still would be a processing protocol.
Thank you for posting this, it’s super helpful. Glad it finally arrived! :)
Thank you for communicating and being marvelous people.
So happy to hear this!
How nice to see all of you in this picture!