Himekuri Sticky Calendar 2020. Himekuri is a relatively new calendar concept since 2018. To put it simply, it’s a combination of daily calendar and sticky memo. Typically on a daily calendar, the pages are thrown away right away. With sticky memo, each page not only works like a daily calendar but can also be reused in journal or places that marks your daily memories throughout the year — in cards, as bookmarks, or any place where you write down dates.
Each week has the same color scheme, and each day has its own design. The set comes with 365 different designs.
For the 2020 calendars, they come out with eight different theme. One in particular is the stationery theme, which we love ❤️ They collaborate with 26 iconic stationery brands to create daily stationery item. The stationery theme also comes with an additional stationery booklet with daily stationery facts to go with each item. We’ve shared many items that are mentioned in the booklet, and we are looking forward to learn more everyday next year. We’ve already saved one stationery theme for ourselves 😀
Each week has the same color scheme, and each day has its own design. The set comes with 365 different designs.
For the 2020 calendars, they come out with eight different theme. One in particular is the stationery theme, which we love ❤️ They collaborate with 26 iconic stationery brands to create daily stationery item. The stationery theme also comes with an additional stationery booklet with daily stationery facts to go with each item. We’ve shared many items that are mentioned in the booklet, and we are looking forward to learn more everyday next year. We’ve already saved one stationery theme for ourselves 😀

See all Himekuri 20202:
Himekuri Sticky Calendar 2020 - Cat
Himekuri Sticky Calendar 2020 - Stamps
Himekuri Sticky Calendar 2020 - Stationery
Himekuri Sticky Calendar 2020 - White Gray
1 comment
I received my Himekuri sticky calendar 2020-stationery and can’t wait to use it!!! I am going to use it in my Stalogy undated A6 planner because I can’t read the small writing that they use for the dates. This is perfect to mark the dates on the Stalogy and not have to write them down. So cute too!!!